Join our monthy cavalier play dates here
Written by Nicky Crowe with additional contributors credited below x
Dog Parenting Courses:
Do take our DOG BODY LANGUAGE ONLINE COURSE to learn more about the different communication signals of these breeds
And come along to our Dog First Aid course x
Merlin: Photography by Anna Barwick
Not to be confused with the King Charles Spaniel which has a more pronounced dome head and a much shorter snout like a pug nose..
There are 4-types: tricolour, blenheim, black ‘n tan, ruby
Gentle , Affectionate, Loves everyone
Long fine soft fur that gets everywhere more like fine hair so it's easy to hoover
Very intelligent and can learn words
Piggies when it comes to food (although mine have always been fussy eaters)
Many are sadly overweight
Huge beautiful eyes but they can be vulnerable to injury
Massive lap dogs and don't like to be away from their humans or left alone
cavalier smother… with our amazing volunteer Jan Ryan
Damien and baby Freya
Enjoy a good walk but don't tend to need miles and miles. (Depends if you have a more athletic working type of Cavie but most are show dog lines)
Many develop heart conditions so insurance is essential!
There is also a neurological condition they can suffer from although I've never experienced this called Syringomyelia
Life expectancy: 9-14 years
Weight: difficult because you get small cavaliers and large cavies. Merlin is 7kg but my last cavie Milo was 11kg and he was not overweight, just a bigger cav x
Louie with his cooling coat on
Cavaliers can really feel the heat. Cool coats can be life savers in the summer months (especially essential for inflammatory conditions, such as, heart disease.
Why you will never have another breed again:
The Cavalier smother... They literally suffocate you with love and affection x
Click to learn more on Dog Body Language to help communicate with our dogs and read how they communicate with each other
Amazing Unique Trait of the breed
Cavaliers in general recognise and adore their own kind. Merlin hears the word “cavalier” and looks around to find them…
Quite different to other spaniels as many don't like the water, will walk around puddles and don't like the rain...
George in disgrace ,thank you to Paula Woolleson cavaliers for this picture
However, cavies absorb mud and moisture like no other dog it's because they are so low to the ground and have sponge like fur...
...meaning that they often find themselves in the shower to their utter bewilderment.
They also like to stick their long ears in other dogs wee when they sniff it.
“Cavies make great therapy dogs 😁
which is one of the reasons I got Alfie. My youngest son is Autistic. His fear of dogs became intense after we lost our elderly dog which was very sad to see as he had a great relationship with him.
Alfie changed that, Cavies are so loving, patient and soppy.
Our local school has a resident Cavie as a therapy dog too 😊”
You can buy Alfie’s dog organiser here!
“Sadly, cavvies suffer from a multitude of potential health issues - cant stress the need for insurance enough! I had one with a condition called episodic falling syndrome, unique to the breed. Ear issues, joint issues, and eye issues are rife. Chairi- like malformation (where the skull is too small for the brain) goes often hand in hand with syringomyelia - its very painful if left untreated. Dental hygiene is a must, as cavs have arguably the worst teeth of any breed - small, weak, and loosely set in the gum; bad teeth have a direct link to mitral valve disease, the most common cause of heart issues in the breed. This breed is an absolute joy to have around - but do consider the health implications, and if buying a pup, ask whether the parents have up to date health checks - proper ones, not just a standard vet check!”
“The traits of all cavies are very affectionate, love to please, easy to train. Best of all they love life and are good with Children and love to meet new people. ❤️🤗”
“Know lots of cavvys who are happily left for responsible periods of time, I’d say this breed comes up as a good first time dog owners choice which I think it’s a point worth adding to your breed analysis. So many people getting the wrong dog for them and not coping for whatever reason; might help out some rescues if people think about what they are getting. Albeit the medical side needs to be thought about x”
Cavies from our Dog Friendly Dorset group and play dates
Merlin’s ears by A Billion Clicks Photography
Puppy Farm and ex breeding stock cavies.
Some cavies come from ex-breeding stock and puppy farms and can be more on the nervous or even neurotic side due to their sad past
Jasmine (see in gallery above), my pretty little angel. She is very much a typical cavalier - sweet natured, loving, and wanting to please you. She's an ex breeding dog, and quite timid and shy in strange situations and with people she doesnt know - she looks to me for comfort. She give the BEST cuddles - literally wraps her legs round you and hugs you back! She's a dainty little lady - her only loutish habit is she WILL roll in fox poo given a smidgen of a chance! She came to me two years ago, and has only ever barked once - odd though it may seem, this is very typical of a puppy farm breeding dog. She rarely makes a sound, and when she does its very muted.
Lily - (see in gallery above) opposite end of the spectrum, my crazy little wild child! Lily is impulsive, noisy, very clever, very active and totally nuts! She loves to learn, and needs to - she came to me as "untrainable". Total nonsense of course, she is actually the opposite - her response times are so fast, you have to be one step ahead of her, and she figures things out like lightening - good AND bad! She's an adorable little tomboy. super loving and has no inhibitions about expressing it - including sitting on your head while trying to wash your face! Lily is sadly a product of very bad breeding ( shhhh dont tell her I said so!) Someone was trying to breed "teacup cavaliers). She is tiny, just 4kg and struggles to keep weight on; her hind legs are longer in proportion to her front legs which has caused her joint problems - she had to have the joints in one leg rebuilt, and we dont know if she will need surgery on the other leg yet. She may also have back issues in later life because of the difference in height of her legs. She would excel at agility but sadly wont be able to try because of the problems it would cause her joints.
Janie House
Cavalier King Charles - the ups and downs
UP -They are easy to groom; they have fine silky hair that just needs a quick brush over and a comb of the feathers, and an occasional trim to keep tidy.
DOWN - it gets everywhere. Up your nose. In your mouth. On your posh togs that havn’t even been out of the wardrobe
for a year. Especially the black bits. Get a Blenheim.
UP - they are pretty laid back and low energy; if its blowing a gale and pelting with rain they wont rip the house down over a
missed walk.
DOWN - suggest they go out to pee in the rain and they will put on a performance that will have your neighbours reporting
you for animal cruelty.
UP - if you let them share your bed you can forget about furry hotwater bottles - its built in. They will snuggle up and keep
you toasty all winter.
DOWN - they snore. Loudly. Your other half will be lost in admiration, if he doesn’t get feelings of inadequacy at being
unable to compete. Nudging them to roll over wont work. Buy earplugs.
UP - the girls will love you. The boys will be in love with you.
When you feel the world is against you, your cavvie will kiss it better for you. You are their universe and they let you know it.
DOWN - you will never pee, bath, shower, dress or eat alone
again. Privacy walked out the door when the cavvy walked in.
They take their role as companion dogs seriously!
UP - cavvies are infinitely adaptable, whatever your lifestyle. Whether you like a long hike or a slow stroll; whether you have
kids, cats, other dogs or no other dogs; whether you work (but remember they DO love their people!) they will fit in. They can
be all things to all people.
DOWN - cavvies are like pringles - once you pop you cant stop! Let one into your life and you will never be content without one again.
UP - they have wonderful personalities - gentle, loving, and at the same time mischievous and funny; they will keep you
laughing all day.
DOWN - no matter what evil horror they have perpetrated you will be totally incapable of being cross with them for more
than 10 seconds - when they look at you in hurt wonder that you are not impressed with them killing your brand new fluffy
slippers you will instantly know they couldn’t POSSIBLY have meant it. Could they??
Brothers and sisters I bid you beware of giving your heart to a cavie to tear!
Janie House