Rosie piccie by Lourdes Photography
Introduction: Leonbergers are a giant breed from Germany. A good leonberger is calm, steady and gentle. They are one of most active giant breeds but this will depend on breeding line as some are more active than others.
They love swimming, agility, flyball, carting, water training and some make very good stooge dogs and therapy dogs.
Life span is 8 to 10 years, but like all breeds this will vary. I lost my first leonberger 11 months and 3 weeks and Arthur is currently 12 years and 8 months old.
A puppy at 8 weeks weights approximately 10lbs and at a year 60kgs plus. At a year they are the size of a small donkey and have a mind of a toddler and the randy hormones of a teenager. Training and socialisation is essential.
For the first year their exercise has to be limited because they grow at such a rate and to over exercise them can cause long term damage to their health.
I have had leonbergers for the last 20 years plus and I think sometime a breed will click with you and for me it is definitely leonbergers. Incredibly loving breed that just want to be with you and enjoys doing things with you.
I have posted some photos of Rosie and Arthur.
Clementina Bailey-Jones Leos love their sofas. Rosie loves her comfort 😂. A puppy leonberger will eat approximately 2 kgs a day for the first year may be a little less. After that it is about 1 kg a day. With pet insurance and food etc I think it costs about £250 a month to have a leonberger.
Leonbergers Part 2
Leonbergers are watch dogs NOT guard dogs or flock guardian dogs and you should never expect a leonberger to be anything other than a watch dogs otherwise you will have unhappy dog. Leonbergers will bark if people come up your drive or knock on your dog. Leonbergers are so large that their mere presence is intimidating. Guarding breeds and flock guardian breeds are completely different. Mine are more likely to show a burglar where the biscult tin is🤣 If you want a guard dog or protection dog a leonberger is definitely not for you.
A good leonberger will have a true leader/owner and will rely upon its owner to deal with all situations. They can be protective of their owners in a non aggressive way.
Some leonbergers like sucking their toys like Rosie but not all, they loves the company of their owners and their dog friends.
A Leonberger is a wonderful breed and can change your life in so many ways that were not expecting but they also need to be well trained and socialised.
Written by Karen Griffin and her Leonberger Rosie
Leonbergers are watch dogs NOT guard dogs or flock guardian dogs and you should never expect a leonberger to be anything other than a watch dogs otherwise you will have unhappy dog. Leonbergers will bark if people come up your drive or knock on your dog. Leonbergers are so large that their mere presence is intimidating. Guarding breeds and flock guardian breeds are completely different. Mine are more likely to show a burglar where the biscult tin is If you want a guard dog or protection dog a leonberger is definitely not for you.
A good leonberger will have a true leader/owner and will rely upon its owner to deal with all situations. They can be protective of their owners in a non aggressive way.
Some leonbergers like sucking their toys like Rosie but not all, they loves the company of their owners and their dog friends.
A Leonberger is a wonderful breed and can change your life in so many ways that were not expecting but they also need to be well trained and socialised.
Do Leonbergers moult - yes one year from the 1st January to 31st December and blow their coats twice a year.
Leonbergers are a heavy shedding breed with a thick, water-resistant top coat and a dense, fluffy undercoat need a lot of grooming.
It is perfect normal to have tumbleweed fur around the house. A doggy blaster can help cut down some of this but it comes with the breed.
Leonberger Part 4
A good leonberger is playful and friendly. This will depend on breeding and socialisation and training.
Like all dogs you need to put in the work but it is so worth it.
The giants breeds walks are excellent fun for friendly giants.
The rest is coming soon…
Why you will never have another breed again:
Comparison to other breeds: e.g. cavaliers are very different to other spaniels as they don't tend to like the water…
Average life expectancy:
Average weight:
Ups of breed:
Downs of breed:
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