Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Introduction to the breed: Staffordshire Bull Terriers were bred in the 1800s and while originally bred for sport quickly became known as “The Nanny Dog” because of how patient and caring they are with children. Lots of people have negative opinions of Staffies, which are totally unfounded and inflamed by the media. They are the most affectionate and gentle dogs, loving people and other animals alike. They are famous for their big smiles.
Keywords: Loyal, affectionate, silly, needy, cuddly, smiley
Traits: Staffies are incredibly friendly and definite people pleasers. They are at their best when surrounded by their family or with their favourite person. If they had their way, they would spend every day by your side but can be left for short periods of time – as long as they have toys and chews to keep them occupied.
They’re a very clever breed so plenty of mental stimulation is important. One incident of a bored Staffy once led to me needing to buy a new sofa..!Bbecause they are clever and want to make you happy, Staffies love training and are really well suited to agility work – although this isn’t something you see often.
Staffies are really playful, again making them perfect for families with children. They love to play tug and chase sticks, but there have been plenty of times they’ve refused to bring them back – as they can also be quite stubborn!
Because they love people so much, Staffies are incredibly emotionally intelligent. If you are feeling sad, low or lonely they will always pick up on this and do their best to make you feel better. Whether it’s being silly, trying to play or just giving you a cuddle.
Despite loving to play and running around like mad on walks, Staffies are the ultimate lap dog. There is nothing they love more than curling up on your lap for a cuddle and quickly falling asleep then snoring very loudly!
Exercise: Staffies are very versatile when it comes to exercise, but ideally they need around an hours walk a day. On walks they love to chase and chew sticks, and will run 20 steps for every 1 you take – normally at 100mph! As they get older, they need less exercise but the crazy bursts of running never stops!
Health: Overall Staffies are robust and healthy dogs. Some suffer from hip dysplasia and arthritis is common as they get older. An enlarged heart (cardiomegaly) is also common in senior Staffies. Staffies are prone to skin conditions and some eye problems.
Why I wouldn’t own another breed: I’ve owned 2 Staffies and they have been the most loving, loyal and special boys. They are always there for you when you need them, giving you a cuddle or making you laugh when you are sad. Their big smile and energy is infectious - they are just a joy to have in your home and life. I recently lost my gorgeous boy Ralphie, who whilst being stubborn and sometimes smelly, bought me so much joy and love. We now have a Staffie sized hole in our lives, which I can’t wait to fill when we are ready – with another Staffie of course!
Comparisons: Staffies can be mistaken for Pitbulls, especially if they’re big. They definitely have terrier traits, including a love for digging and a slightly stubborn streak. However they tend to have less of an independent streak that some terriers. They also have a lot in common with other bull breeds, including loyalty and their love of a good nap.
Average life expectancy: 12 – 14 years
Average weight: 11 – 15kg for a girl, 13 – 17 kg for a boy
Downs: The only major down of owning a Staffie is other peoples negative opinions. I have heard negative comments about my dogs and seen people cross the road when we are coming. I used to find this really upsetting, but quickly realised that they are the ones missing out on the joy these special dogs can bring.
Staffies do love to chew and can be destructive when bored. But both of these things can be easily remedied with toys, walks and mental stimulation.
Ups: Really there are too many to list with Staffies. They are joy and love in dog form.
Written by Helen Woodward and her rainbow staffy Ralphie
Photos by A Billion Clicks Photography
We are the proud owners of Sam - (StaffyandMastiff initials) so not a pure Staff but displays most of the Staffy traits i.e
Everyone's friend
You made eye contact so I can lick you
I can sit on you / I MUST sit on you
You came to visit so it was definitely to see ME
Owner of the 'staffy smile'
I will squish you to the edge of the bed
It's your duty to protect me from thunder/fireworks/sirens/gunshot sounds/the washing machine/vacuum cleaner/wind/rain/laminate floors/any change to my environment
I will, and do, carry tree branches 4 times bigger than myself and I'm coming through regardless of your legs
I can carry 2 x footballs side by side in my gob
I don't swim .. I 'plop' my paws and catch the spray
I've perfected the 'head tilt' to make me look cute(r)
I like other dogs as long as I'm STILL centre of attention
I answer to: Sam, Samuel, Samuel Whiskers, Staffy Duck, Bubs, Pup Pup, Baby Boy
Sam didn't have a good start in life and was born in a tent in local woods, 1 of 9 pups bred for quick money to feed 'habits'. He came to us at 5 1/2 weeks old as a little scrap the size his head is now - baby bottles in the fridge and night feeds. He was a fiesty, bitey beast
(our limbs still bear the scars) but has turned into such a loveable boy (quite a diva with it though) .. the light of our lives
Written by: Iris Davis and Sam the staffie
Hopping on #staffieweek. This is 7 month old Reggie. We recently rehomed him after losing both our dogs to cancer last year. He was Rehomed at 5 1/2 months for being ”too much”
He loves us, our home and all the fun and walks we bring to him. Here’s to many years of staffy licks and farts.🐾📷❤️ Robyn BK Butcher and Reggie
Staffys are simply the best family dogs, that's why they are called nanny dogs. I've owned two now and both have the most beautiful nature. They are certainly goofy and sometimes broken in the weird thi fs they do. They crave cuddles and blankets when it's a wee bit chilly. Your furniture will never be yours again they take ownership of everything even your bed. They smile, talkback at you abd give amazing kisses. They sometimes get bad press but like every dog if brought up correctly they make amazing fur babies 🐶🐶 Katrina Philp
They have the biggest hearts. Mine loves a lap and a blanket. She can clear a room with her farts 💨 she burps likes a human, she will talk to you, lick you to death and chase her tail like she has forgot she has one 🤣Literally has the biggest most loving personality of any dog I’ve ever owned. If you have never owned one or met one you are missing out. She’s been through a lot in her little life but is super strong. A blanket and a lap and she is more than happy.
Sarah Magorian
THE BEST most loving breed ! My little mate , goes most places with me. Although don’t nick his ball ! 😂😂😂
Sarah Brown