Repressed anger can be something that is hard to digest. Imagine if we hold onto that firey emotion internally. What fires is it causing to our system and our body? Inflammation? Fatigue? Quick to react to triggers? Problems sleeping and relaxing?
Anger can literally burn our life force away.
The Ancient techniques I share with you have their roots in Japanese Zen Buddhism and the Andean Paqo Tradition. In these ancient teachings, digestion and elimination is not just a body mechanism, we need to be doing this for our nervous system and our energetic field as well. When we release and free ourselves from pent up emotion, flow can be regained and rest and healing is achievable. Let us move away from the trappings of the mind that keeps that anger alight.
The Precepts
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Chinese Organ Clock
Aenean eu justo sed elit dignissim aliquam. Donec eu est non lacus lacinia semper. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.
Bonnie Howard
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at massa nec sapien auctor gravida in in tellus. Suspendisse nec congue purus.