𝗟𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗼 𝗩𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗲

What I love about our group is that no matter if members disagree we all want what's best for our dogs ❤️

We all want our dogs protected from disease.

The lepto vaccine (lepto2 and lepto4) does NOT offer peace of mind that our dogs will be protected. Lepto 2 offers 2 strains out of 100 bacterial leptospirosis out there and lepto 4 : 4 strains. Leptospirosis the bacterial disease has been around for hundreds of years and is believed to be spread mainly through rat wee but can also be horse etc. drinking from stagnant ponds and puddles and forest walks seem to be highest risk activities for your dogs.

The reason this disease is concerning is that not all dogs respond to treatment available. And it can be deadly, it develops very rapidly when contracted, shutting down the kidneys. It is devastating if the dog does not respond to treatment and very traumatic to watch.

Will taking the lepto vaccine protect your dog? No.

1. The vaccine doesn't prevent the contraction of the disease. It may or may not lessen the symptoms.
2. In some cases (as per the study done on rabbits it was concluded it actually made those rabbits who contracted lepto worse who had the vaccine). Can this be extrapolated to dogs? We don't know.
3. Dogs who have had the vaccine have died from lepto and dogs without the vaccine have died
4. Some dogs are treated successfully and make a full recovery regardless of the vaccine. In 80-90% of cases, leptospirosis is treatable with doxycycline.
5. Lepto vaccine has the highest reaction rate in dogs out of all the core vaccines. Source: Vicky the vet in Devon. Other vets do not agree it has the highest reaction rate in terms of side effects. 
6. What the vaccine does give you is insurance for treatment should your dog need it. Most insurance companies won't cover your dog for the disease costs of treatment if they are unvaccinated.
7. Lepto vaccine has no titre test
8. Lepto vaccine is said to last only 6 months

We all want to help our dogs.
I want to make sure I am doing something. And that something must not impact my dog's quality of life.

Dogs who have existing allergies, skin issues, seizures, older in age, or poorly in some way may be higher at risk from reaction to the side effects of the lepto vaccine. My Merlin is one of those dogs who after having lepto 2 and core vaccines as a puppy (before he came to me) suffered from itchy inflamed skin and fungal infections for a year until homeopathy finally cured him of it. His standard of life was severely impacted. Those of you who know, you know - how heartbreaking continual scratching and pulling out of fur and skin wounds is to witness. It will be the same with those dogs who have seizures. You feel helpless.

I have been advised that there is a vaccine to lepto in the form of nosodes 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗻𝗼 𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗲𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘀.

Vicky the vet in Devon can prescribe it after a £35 telephone consultation. You can contact to her by googling and emailing or calling.

There is promising evidence in humans of the efficacy of the nosode to lepto:

In 2007 in Cuba following a hurricane. The vaccines being administered ran out and the Cuban government administered the nosode to lepto to over 2.72 million people (4.8 million doses).

The epidemiology surveillance after the intervention showed a dramatic decrease of morbidity two weeks after, and a reduction to zero of mortality in hospitalised patients. The number of confirmed Leptospirosis cases remains at low levels and below the levels normally expected according to the trends and rain regimens. This is in the regions where the nosode was given.

In conclusion, nothing is going to give 100% prevention against this disease.

Lepto vaccines can cause reactions that lower quality of life. But other dogs seem unaffected by side effects. But the vaccine doesn't last very long and only covers a few strains across lepto 2&4.

The nosode to lepto has no side effects and if the study in humans can be extrapolated to dogs it looks very promising.

I hope this helps those of you who are looking for an alternative ❤️

P.s. I am not an anti-vaccer. Merlin has all his core vaccines and his recent titre test shows he is still covered for all of them bar lepto which has no titre. But there is arguably body memory to the original vaccine he had as a puppy which is neglected to be talked about.

Warmest, Nicky and Merlin x

Sources of research:

Requesting information from 2 conventional vets and 2 integrative vets

Canine health concern

Dogs Naturally Magazine

Homeopathy Kent

My Pet Nutritionist

Dr Karen Becker on YouTube