Play Dates and Walks

Dog Socials supporting our Pet Food Banks


Play Dates and Social Dog Walks


TO HELP US TO FUNDRAISE please donate to come on a PLAY DATE: you can do this by becoming an annual member (we send you monthly discounts)

It’s £2 a month for the year to come a monthly walk and/or play date. You may like to come to a breed specific play date or our all-breeds nosies around Dorset. These funds go into our registered not-for-profit Dorset Dogs CIC and Pet Food Bank appeal.

Or if you are trying a group walk out for the first time and want to Pay As You Go £3 (select your breed below for this option)

Click the buttons below to either:

  1. Become a member £25 with all the added benefits below:

    -access to all play dates all year

    -exclusive offers and discounts from our dog friendly partners

2. (OR) Pay As You Go £3 (plus payment processing fee) to do this please select your play date from the breeds table (or select all breeds) below to donate and you will receive an email (CHECK SPAM) with our email address to be added to our messenger groups.

3. Or donate a monthly subscription for ease which will go towards our Pet Food Banks: pay £3 / month (see Paypal subscribe below)

Your dog MUST be friendly and have social manners to attend. Please contact the members of the group organising walks if you have any questions. Every walk and Meet-Up is different. If you or your dog needs help with nerves, anxiety or reactivity please do join our STRESS FREE MEET-UPS instead x


Please note that members of the Facebook Dog Friendly Dorset offer to organise these walks to help us to fundraise. We do not, as a CIC, organise them, we simply support you.

Our guidelines on walks are to keep your dog on a lead for the first 5/10 minutes until all dogs have met each other. If any dogs take a dislike to each other these dogs must remain on a lead and walked at a distance or leave the walk. This is because once dogs express a dislike to each other their stress buckets will fill and we wish to avoid any spats. As rare as they may be.

We cannot take liability for your dog and you will need to have your own insurance to participate in Dog Friendly Dorset Facebook Group walks and play dates. If any issues arise these must be resolved between the owners of the dogs involved. DFD is merely a Facebook group scheduling meet-ups for members who are organising them within the community to bring their dogs together.

Click to see GUIDELINES for whether your dog is suited to these types of walks and play dates and please be aware that you will need your own pet insurance to attend as the Dog Friendly Dorset Facebook group cannot take any liability for the play dates you and the members are arranging and attending. As with any Facebook group, liability is between the owners of any dogs involved in any spats. You will need to take responsibility for your own dogs. Please note pictures/video will likely be taken at Play Dates and footage could be used but not limited to: website, event and marketing promotion, social media content adverts and press materials. Please see Guidelines link above.

Dog Friendly Dorset play dates are for people and dogs in the community who actively want to help support each other and belong to a community that gives back to dogs. Our dogs have so much fun and the humans do too :)

Dorset Dogs CIC provides Stress Free Meets for those dogs who cannot cope in a group environment (nervous and/or reactive dogs).


  1. Make sure you are a member of the Facebook group

  2. Select your play-date above to register and make a small PAYG donation


    If become an Annual Member ifyou are a regular attendee you may wish the ease and benefits this option

  3. You will receive an email confirmation and a link to click through to your breed’s messenger group so that you can meet fellow facebook members and their dogs before the day


I need help and want to be sponsored on a free placement by Dorset Dogs Community


if you don't see your breed. We will set one up for you if you email us 🙂



Here is Hobbes report on his play date experience from dad Stuart:

Today we had our first Sighthound play date.

Of course Hobbes had the best time ever, getting to run with other speedy hounds is his favourite thing!

Hobbes is a Lurcher, almost as fast as a greyhound but seemingly having much more endurance, he needs his exercise and can be a bit needy/annoying if he's doesn't get a good walk/run, so these playdates are great for him.

The pics are when we arrived at the beach and when we left. You can see the activity chart is high up, the higher the more active (IE running fast) as you can see, Hobbes was a busy bee!

So Hobbes got a good hour or so of flat out running, then we walked a bit on the beach. This left me with a nice and tired dog who was also rather cuddly, I'm sure they appreciate a fun day out!

It's also great for socialising with other dogs and it also gives the owner confidence in their dog to play off the lead.

Dorset Dogs CIC is incorporated as a social enterprise under registration number 13741228.

Please note pictures will be taken at Play Dates for public use on social media channels and sometimes press. If you do not want your picture taken please do tell anyone taking a picture and you can request pictures to be removed from our socials if you can send them to us.