A Year Ahead Forecast

Using the technique called Profections

This is based on a Birthday year rather than a calendar year and can be requested at any month of the year.

A personal reading for the year ahead. What does 2024 hold for you? What areas of your life will be most in focus?

We will discover your Year's TimeLord which is the planet that will be guiding your year ahead and offering wisdom, opportunities and possible challenges depending on who it is. If this is the Moon, we will track her in the sky through the year as we will with any planet.

I will provide an insight into the archetypal meaning of this planet and any relevant mythology to help us better understand how this guiding planet can help you. I will help you connect to this planet and its archetype and what this planet means for you personally in your life and how the archetype has been showing up already in your natal chart.

Then you will be given a month-by-month breakdown of which months will be focusing on what areas in your life and how to best navigate those months of greatest opportunity and greatest challenge. Just to know which months are your big ones helps so much.

It's an exciting reading given to you via video recording so that you can replay it month by month and start to plan your year ahead 2024

A 6 month projections reading is £60

A whole year ahead forecast is £80

You will receive the reading on a personal video link to the email you make the booking with.

What is required from you?

Once booked please email nicky@nickycrowe.com and send me your DOB, place of birth and time of birth.

A preview of a reading


Thank you Nicky for the 2024 forecast reading.

It highlighted areas in my life that will be most in focus. These areas had been coming into my awareness during 2023, which I found fascinating, so I found it really helpful to be able to look at these more closely and having an understanding how the planets will help me navigate the months ahead and what steps will be beneficial. It showed me which months will be more transformative than others, so I will know where my energy will be best focused. I am really enjoying exploring how the archetype of Mars shows up for me in my life.

It will be a valuable month by month guide/support for me.

The image is Mars, my timelord for 2024. Sian Welsh

Other courses and readings:

MOON COURSE: Connect with the Moon and her cycles and working magically with her

DOG BODY LANGUAGE ONLINE COURSE: understand what your dog is telling you and read the language of approaching dogs


LEARN THE TAROT ONLINE MODULAR PAYG COURSE: A fast track way to learn how to read the tarot and understand yourself and The Hero’s Journey that we all face

A PERSONAL TAROT READING: to book email nicky@nickycrowe.com