Full Moon in Libra…
Howling at the Moon…
I mean who needs an excuse to howl? Merlin and I howl daily… :-)
Full Moons are especially potent times to howl. There is zero zoological evidence for this, however, our mythology is full of it! And Merlin does on occasion bark at the moon because it unnerves him being so bright in the sky.
Our Moon Goddess Hecate also keeps the company of dogs so nuff said.
And… the Native American Seneca tribes believe that a wolf sung the moon into existence. (I love this story).
Furthermore Tanzi from our group just told us about a rainbow moon called a Dog Moon when there is an orb around it.
Libra Full Moon
Sun 28.03.21 7.48pm
What a beautiful full moon to experience right now. La Luna restores balance whilst travelling across the Libran plains.
Venus (the ruler of Libra) wants you to beautify yourself. Have a spa day or a massage, or better still because we can’t do those things in the UK currently. Get a partner to give you a massage or a make-over. Venus loves to be in relationship with other, whether romantic partnerships, friends or family.
During this Full Moon ask yourself - how can I find balance for myself?
Is it re-organising the clutter, a new filing system, a self-care routine?
Libra rules the kidneys in the body which are the great balancers, creating hormones, getting rid of excess waste and balancing electrolytes. We can help our kidneys by setting up a routine to drink 2.7 litres of water a day for a woman and 3.7 L for men. Being hydrated helps us to deepen and maintain our connection with the moon as she pulls on our body of water. If we are dehydrated it depletes our natural ability to communicate with her…
We can balance hormones by looking at natural plant remedies to help? Perhaps some Venus ruled remedies like rose and geranium. I shall be taking in these essential oils.
And we can drink some moon and Venus tonics like Motherwort for our reproductive bits and Mugwort for our dream time.
To honour Venus and the moon - we want to open ourselves to her yin qualities to receive. “What do I need to receive at this time?”
Preparation for our Full Moon:
Prepare some beautification rituals like a face mask, a salt bath with flowers, a body scrub. Would love to hear your ideas on our Facebook group.
Prepare some words on what you feel grateful about yourself
What is calling to you in nature to include in your Full Moon ritual? Shells, flowers, crystals?
Think about what you need to release and what hasn’t worked for you this cycle. Are there people you need to forgive or forgive yourself even. What stories can we rewrite.
Think about what story you are telling yourself in this life that is just not true. Maybe there is some self-doubt, or you think you can’t do something because someone else told you so. The Moon is opposite Chiron and Venus in the sky on Sunday. And Chiron asks us to rewrite our stories for Venus to bless.
Dog Moon:
This is our beautiful waxing gibbous moon captured around the time the moon was in Leo late March. If you zoom in there is an orb around the moon called a moon rainbow. And this is what is referred to as a Dog Moon…
Funnily, moondog is also the reference for groups who meet each other illegally under lockdown restrictions!
Image credit: Tanzi Baigent from the group