Moon Reading


A Message from your moon…

The moon calls to us to align with her cycles and tune into the messages she has for us as she moves around the sky and activates our life story “as above, so below”.

A moon reading takes a look at your natal chart (the sky at the time of your birth) and charts the moon cycle with your life to reveal her messages and guidance for you whether you are looking for your purpose, answers on your health or love life. The moon is always trying to communicate with us through the dream time.

As a special inclusive gift - you will receive your Moon Sign and Moon Phase at the time of your birth that influences your personality and growth. As well as your Birth Card.

We also consult the tarot and the symbolism that tells our archetypal storyline.

A Full Moon or New Moon reading tend to be the most popular but she is always speaking to us through her phases x

You are also welcome to share any dreams.

Cost: £22 for an audio file reading