Moon Rituals
The Moon is our fastest moving planet and she provides some potent spaces in time to make the most of ritual and magic.
The New Moon is typically a great time for setting of intentions
The Full Moon is fantastic for realising goals, completing on something and shining a light on your life at that point in time
Every Full and New moon has its counterpart 6 months later to reflect back on. For instance a New Moon in Aries will become a Full Moon in Aries 6 months later when you can look back at your ritual notes and see how far you have come with those seeds of intention as you revisit this area with a spotlight turned on…
Journey and journal with the moon so that you can reflect back throughout the year.
The dreamcatcher
A great way to work with the moon is to buy or make yourself a dreamcatcher. Like a spider’s web this helps you to weave your future with her but also catch her whisperings.
Working with your dreams and checking where the moon is and her phase and where this falls in your astrological chart on that day in a journal will be so helpful to you. You can also ask Nicky where it falls in your chart
I would place this dreamcatcher in your bedroom close to where you dream at night or in a window to catch the rays of the moon’s light.
Ritual Preparation:
A very fancy way of working with the moon is wrap your sage (the herb to burn for ritual to cleanse and clear the space) with the flowers and crystals that relate to the sign the moon is travelling in. For example: Full or New Moon in Taurus is ruled by Venus. Venutian flowers like rose buds, venus crystals like rose quartz can be added to the altar or smudge and dish.
Ritual prep:
-A candle (you can choose a candle colour based on the signs and colours below. See where the moon is present at the time of ritual or stick to white, the moon’s colour)
-iLuna app: to tell you what sign the moon is travelling through on the day of your ritual
-Sage or palo santo to cleanse the space
-a non-flammable dish or cauldron if you wish to burn paper or intentions during the ritual
-An altar where you lay objects that relate to your ritual or intentions
-Not essential but it is nice to further connect in with the 4 elements by having water, salt, a flame, a feather
-paper and pen
-your journal
Moon rituals and working with the constellations:
Find out which constellation the moon is travelling through for your ritual and read below for ritual ideas associated with that sign of the zodiac.
Aries ruled by the planet Mars. Colour red
Best day for ritual: “Mardi - Mars day” Tuesday
Aries is a cardinal fire sign. Great for setting the seeds of intention and acting upon them. The lord of action and ignition we want to be drawing on his firey energy. A great energy for the self and what most motivates you. Connecting into your desires. A go-getter energy. Jump straight in…
Foods for ritual: red meat, red coloured foods, tomatoes, paprika, red peppers, chillies, spicy foods.
Crystals: see the crystals module. Look for the red crystals predominantly.
Iron is the metal for Aries, as well as any knives or cutting.
Cutting of chords is a great ritual for the Aries energy, ruled by Mars.
Candles and fire are essential for this moon ritual, a cauldron or firepit are also excellent.
Burning intentions or burning what you want to release.
Animals you can call on during ritual for protection and guidance are dogs, rams, fire breathers, salamanders, dragons.
Tarot card: The Emperor
Taurus ruled by the planet Venus. Colour pink or green
Best day for ritual: “Vendredi - Venus day” Friday
When Venus rules the space the moon is travelling through it is a perfect time for love spells or intentions. Whether you are single or in a relationship, spice things up with a call for more pleasures and indulgence in the things that are most important to you. This could include less intimate relationships with family, work colleagues etc. Venus rules all relationships.
Another typical ritual would be around money and savings. Your resources and what you own or would like to have more of in your life from the material world.
Chocolate is a very Taurus and Venus food to integrate into your ritual.
Crystals: most obviously rose quartz but do visit the crystals module for more information.
The bull is the animal symbol for Taurus.
Taurus is a slow moving space, so take time and care with your ritual space and make it as beautiful as possible with many natural things from the earth around you.
There is a fixed energy to the sky in this part of the zodiac. Which lends itself to longer rituals and intentions that span a long-term period.
Burying the contents of a ritual or your intentions with seed(s) would be a lovely way to integrate the Taurus energy into your rituals.
Tarot card: The Hierophant, The Empress
Gemini ruled by the planet Mercury. Colour green or iridescent rainbow
Best day for ritual: “Mercredi - Mercury’s Day” Wednesday
When Mercury is involved with your rituals we are calling on the God Hermes who is the messenger god. Communications and language and the original meanings of words are all Mercury’s domain.
Incantations and reciting mantra would be perfect things to best utilise the energies in ritual with Mercury.
Any wishes towards siblings, learning new things, hobbies, crafts, communicating or difficult or important conversations you need to have. Or short trips and travel. Also starting new habits and health routines are good things to set intentions around. This is a perfect time for ritual in this space. There may be a choice you need to make or two things playing on your mind. Business decisions perhaps? Mercury is the planet of commerce and marketing.
Mercury is also the Magician card in the tarot deck and he is the eternal trickster. A powerful god to have on your side.
Mercurial foods include: vegetables and fruits, the unusual, fast foods.
Birds are the animal symbol for Mercury. What bird do you most connect with to bring their energy into your ritual space?
There is a transitional energy to this part of the sky. Transitioning from one state to another and the challenges that come with this.
Tarot card for Gemini is The Lovers. Decisions and a journey ahead.
Cancer ruled by the planet The Moon. Colour white
Best day for ritual: New Moons or Full Moons and “Lundi - day of the moon” which is a Monday
Cancer is connected to the Crab with a tough outer shell and a soft underbelly. Crabs carry their homes around with them. And Cancer themes for ritual would be concerning the home, property or moving house, your family, your mother or important women in your life, nurturing and caring for the elderly or the sick. Childhood memories.
You may wish to perform rituals around food or home cooking to best connect with Cancer. Your body and health and mental health are also themes with he Moon.
The energy is cardinal and excellent for new beginnings and the setting of intentions.
Dreaming and dream journaling would be an excellent thing to start or do.
Crystals: moonstone and for other crystals see the module in the rest of this course. Charging up crystals under the moon is excellent for this sign.
The Tarot card for Cancer is The Chariot.
Cancer foods: include milk, watermelon, comfort foods
Tarot Card: The High Priestess and The Moon
Leo ruled by the planet The Sun. Colour yellow
Best day for ritual is “Dimanche - day of the sun” Sunday
Leo the Lion, the brave.
Leo is a fixed sign so perfect for more long drawn out rituals by the fire. You may wish to bring in the energy of Aslan from the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe…
The interplay betwixt the sun and the moon is at play when we perform ritual in Leo space. The married couple. How the moon absorbs the masculine light of the sun and receives his protection. A perfect time for rituals concerning marriage or getting married. Also a good time for spell work around career and destiny and your work. Your health is a prominent Sun indicator. Needing courage to do things and authenticity to speak your truth would be things Leo can help you with. The solar chakra of knowing thyself.
Themes associated with children, fun and play are very Leo as well as creative projects and if you have your own business or stocks and shares these are also topics ruled by him.
Sun foods include the pineapple, mango, oranges
Crystals: yellow crystals and heart crystals, see the module on crystals.
Tarot card: The Sun, Strength card
Virgo ruled by the planet Mercury. Colour green
Best day for ritual is “Mercredi - Mercury day” Wednesday
Virgo is the maiden in mythology. With themes of innocence and healing. Virgo also rules the space of small animals and our pets and the care of them.
This would be a good time to include our pets in ritual and our wishes for them.
Virgo is a great energy for helping to “fix” things and to help with developing healthy habits and routines in your life. She rules the digestion system.
Our day-to-day work and work colleagues also comes under this area of the sky and we may wish to perform ritual around these challenges.
There is an energy of transition and rebalance as well as adapting to change.
Virgo food: vegetables and fruits. Walnuts for the mind.
Crystals: carnelian helps to focus the mind. See crystals module.
Tarot card: The Hermit
Libra ruled by the planet Venus. Colour pink or green
Best day for ritual: “Vendredi - Venus day” Friday
Even more so than Taurus this is the perfect time for love spells or intentions around relationship with other. Whether you are single or in a relationship, get out and socialise. Organise a date night Perhaps carry a talisman for love with you or order Venus type foods, chocolate and desserts. Venus rules all relationships for workmates, friends and family are also included. Perhaps you are having a tricky time with someone, bring it back to love and ritual.
Crystals: most obviously rose quartz but do visit the crystals module for more information and search for Libra specific crystals.
The scales of balance are the symbol for Libra. An animal might be the peace dove. See what comes in for you.
There is a cardinal energy to the sky in this part of the zodiac. Which lends itself to setting intentions and starting new romance or a new chapter of romance in your current relationship.
White feathers and the air element are important here for ritual.
Tarot card: Justice
Scorpio ruled by the planet Mars and Pluto. Colour red or black for Pluto
Best day for ritual: “Mardi - Mars day” Tuesday
Scorpio is a fixed water sign. This is a perfect energy for strategising or planning your next move on a chess board. Wait patiently with this energy and if setting intentions make them long-term ones.
This time and space is good for long-term plans, finances especially in partnership from others, rituals around trauma-work.
Foods for ritual: red meat, red coloured foods, tomatoes, paprika, red peppers, chillies, spicy foods.
Crystals: see the crystals module. Look for the red and black crystals predominantly.
Releasing ritual intentions or natural offerings to a body of water like a lake would be a lovely setting.
Animals you can call on during ritual for protection and guidance are scorpions, snakes and lizards.
Tarot card: The Death card
Sagittarius ruled by the planet Jupiter. Colour purple
Best day for ritual: “Jeudi - Jupiter day” Thursday
A perfect time for travel intentions or dreaming of foreign lands. What do you have your aim set on?
Crystals: purple crystals like amethyst - visit the crystals module for more information.
The animal for Sag is the mythological centaur.
There is a transitional energy to the sky in this part of the zodiac. Which lends itself to reflection and honing in on what you most desire. This is the part of the zodiac where the sky is not the limit. There are no limits to broadening your consciousness here. It is also a useful energy for ending one thing and beginning another and the rebalance that is required. Letting go of any addictions or obsessions and moving forward.
Religious archetypes or stories may be useful in ritual.
Jupiter foods are aubergine, purple foods, purple cabbage, and fatty foods.
Tarot card: Temperance
Capricorn ruled by the planet Saturn. Colour black
Best day for ritual: “Samedi- Saturn’s day” Saturday
A perfect time for career/work intentions. What are your ambitions? What are your responsibilities and roles? What do you want to manifest? This is a strong cardinal earth energy perfect for making your intentions a reality.
Seed your intentions into the earth and give gratitude for what you have achieved with the goat’s ambition.
Crystals: black crystals for protection. See crystals module.
The animal for Capricorn is the Sea Goat who climbs mountains from the sea.
Saturn foods are minimalist, “peasant” food like stews and leftovers, mustard seed and black sesame seed.
Tarot card: The Devil or the “goat”. What limits you? Or has you fearful to step forward?
Aquarius ruled by the planet Saturn and Uranus. Colour black or light blue.
Best day for ritual: “Samedi- Saturn’s day” Saturday
Aquarius is the water carrier. The container (Saturn) who carries the water. A mix of water, earth and air this is the most quirky of the signs and the moon is booted into outer space and the realms of science fiction.
This is the space for social groups, futuristic and inventive thought, the genius sits here. Do you have wishes for your friends, aquarius is the place for this. What breakthrough do you need?
This is a fixed energy best placed for long-term intentions and taking your time with the ritual.
Seed your intentions into the earth or blow them into the wind.
Crystals: black crystals for protection. See crystals module.
Saturn foods are minimalist, “peasant” food like stews and leftovers, mustard seed and black sesame seed. With Uranus it is trying different foods uncommon to your pallette.
Tarot card: The Star
Pisces ruled by the planet Jupiter and Neptune. Colour purple or dark blue.
Best day for ritual: “Jeudi - Jupiter day” Thursday
Water rituals would be best here. Run yourself a luxurious bath filled with oils and bubbles and rose petals. Pisces is a spiritual space filled with wonder and connection to all.
Crystals: purple crystals like amethyst - visit the crystals module for more information.
The animal for Pisces is the fish.
There is a transitional energy to the sky in this part of the zodiac. Changing from one thing to the next. Are you feeling in flux or between things. This is the perfect space to dive into the depths of the subconscious and journal your dreams. Ask for answers and let them go for the tide to bring in an answer.
Jupiter foods are aubergine, purple foods, purple cabbage, and fatty foods.
Tarot card: The Moon