Moon Signs


Your Moon Sign…

Little people know that your Moon sign is as important as your Sun sign. they are two halves of a partnership. Reading your Sun sign alone only tells a small part of the tale of your life.

Your Sun is your essence, your life force. And your moon, well, she is what shapes your emotions and your soul. She lies beneath in your subconscious, the half we do not see. Here lies your deepest needs, what helps you to feel emotionally secure. Here lies the fears and conditioning we receive from our human mothers, our social groups and society as a whole. Here lies our body and our health.

la luna in the signs…

Your Moon Sign describes your instinctive or emotional energies, your innate reactions, and the things you need to feel comfortable or secure. It can reveal your emotional, genetic and intuitive makeup.

Whilst your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become, your Moon Sign describes those that you already are and what has been programmed in. Your habits and who you naturally are.

The moon moves into a different sign every 2-3 days and this is why you may be just days older or younger than a friend born in the same month - you both share the same sun sign and yet you are differed by your moon.

Your moon sign can also influence how strongly your Sun sign is expressed. For example, if you’re a fiery Aries with a mellow Taurus moon, your impulsive, impatient nature may be toned down by the steady, patience of Taurus.


Aries Moon

Do you need independence and autonomy? You are ready for any call to action and have a need for excitement and challenge in your life. You may act impulsively. Wanting to get started on new paths without delay. Are you very driven? Running with the moon will be a lovely way to connect with her in this placement.

Taurus Moon

Stability and security of material comforts tend to be very important to a Taurus moon. You beautify where you live and work with your smile and the gifts and material comforts that you bring. Strong family ties may be very apparent for you.

Gemini Moon

Do you find you need a good flow of stimulating dialogue and feel very comfortable in a room full of new ideas. Drawn to kindred spirits “a meeting of minds” and someone who can reflect or mirror things back to you. You may have an insatiable appetite for books and for learning.

Cancer Moon

You likely have a need to nurture or to be nurtured. Your family is your primary concern as is their safety. You love to nest and your home is your safe zone. You may have a need to protect and feel protected.

Leo Moon

Attention and affection of those who love you are high on your needs list. You are likely a playful and entertaining person. You may feel the need to lead others and to be seen and express yourself. A generous soul.

Virgo Moon

Do you have a need to balance and fix things, to place them in order? And to feel of service to others. You love to solve a problem and help others. You may need a daily routine to feel balanced in yourself and to balance your health and nutrition.

Libra Moon

You may have a deep need for harmony, for beauty and to be in relationship with other. A strong sense of justice. Do you hate conflict? And crave a peaceful environment? Is it in love that you feel your safety? The body with another.

Scorpio Moon

You may have a strong need for privacy, making it important for you to bond with another but equally hard as it makes you vulnerable to open up emotionally. Your emotions run deep but privately. You may not trust quickly but once your trust is gained you are eternally loyal. Your observation of others runs deep.

Sagittarius Moon

You probably have a strong need for adventure and to travel. Feeling most comfortable exploring foreign lands or new and varied things. Are you attracted to worldly and open minded people? Enjoying meeting people of all walks. You are optimistic and friendly.

Capricorn Moon

Do you have a need for a long-term legacy and success? Do you have a need for strong boundaries and rules that help you to feel things are well planned and thought out and that every endeavour you embark on will stand the test of time? Is success and climbing up a vital need for you?

Aquarius Moon

Do you love to manage or hold groups? Friendship and collaboration or a common cause for humanity are strong needs for you to be involved in. You may have a great need for ingenuity and future thinking. You are an enigma in that you care deeply for your community and yet you likely don’t want to get too close to the emotions of others.

Pisces Moon

Sensitive and empathetic you feel the emotions of the world personally. You may have a strong need to live in the dream world as much as the material world. You will likely have a strong need for unconditional love and to give this love to others. Healing others and yourself may feel very natural and comfortable. This is a boundary-less moon and you may need to swim away when things become too overwhelming or when you are being influenced by toxic people and environments.