New Moon in Aries
Monday 12th April 3:30am
A raging New Moon…
This is a raw New Moon in fire sign Aries. Lady Luna becomes the warrioress.
Ready to express yourself? On this New Moon we want to release all the pent up rage from our inner fires, held indoors during the winter in hearths and duvets and dreamtime.
Anger, in fact, is a touchstone emotion for Aries. Yet for women especially, it’s still an emotion that we are taught to disown. It’s not polite. It’s not lady like. The fear of anger leads to the suppression of anger. But that energy has to go somewhere.
Stuffing it down can lead to overeating, lethargy, retail therapy binging and even literal disease. That’s not a fate this new moon wants for any of us! So in celebration of the potent energy of this first new moon, it’s time to scream out that bottled up rage, frustration and resentment—and in the process, reconnect to your raw power. If this pandemic has been a slog, let’s shift the stagnation with a good old scream.
Our New Moon is not alone in the sky. She will be embraced by the Sun in his element in Aries. Waving his banner for new beginnings.
At the fire pit we find Chiron, sharing our old stories. Stories that need to be shed. What are we telling ourselves that is no longer or never was true? What have others told us how to be which is not our true authentic selves. What wounds are fizzing like coals burning us from the inside out?
Venus is being rebirthed and hints that new love is on their way. Or a renewal of love within your current relationship. A more mature way of being in relationship and knowing our needs must be met. And Mercury is the busy journalist, writing up our new story. Our new beginning.
Ritual: Primal Scream
Ideally, you will do your primal scream somewhere in nature or in a large room (like a yoga studio) where you won’t scare the daylights out of your neighbours. Another option is to park your car somewhere private and scream there (cover your ears). You can also scream into a pillow to muffle the sound. Or my good friend told me she stuffs a towel in her mouth. The point is to get this energy out of your body.
You may even want to bring smudging supplies like sage or palo santo to use before and after the release to clear away the energy and make the process more sacred.
The rest is simple:
Stand with fists clenched and hold them shut for 10 seconds, inhaling and exhaling deeply.
Visualize a situation that is making you furious; you might even write out a list before doing this exercise so that you already have the vision in your head.
Inhale deep into your belly and SCREAM!
Repeat until you feel a release. This could feel awkward at first, so it could take a few tries before you get the real rage out of your system.
Do this alone or with a small, supportive group of friends. It can be so powerful to cheer each other on, even drumming or sitting in a protective circle around each other for your screams. And since a primal scream might even bring up tears, it’s great to have someone there to hold or hug after you let it out. Pandemic allowing…
Other ideas for this Aries New Moon:
Wear red, the Aries color, to invoke the sexy and flamboyant energy of the day.
Make a fire pit. Write angry letters and burn them in the flames.
Take yourself on a solo date into the woods
Shamelessly self-promote: Post one of your latest triumphs on social media and let friends share in the victory.
This is all Aries energy, acting for the self and without shame!