New Moon in Pisces
13th March 2021
The pull down…
to Womb space.
We are in the New Moon energies as she wanes into herself and draws us within. This is a beautiful balsamic phase of the moon.
She beckons us to join her in the womb this Saturday. The creative potential within all of us, both male and female, deep within the belly.
This moment in time is for healing and self-care, to be gentle with ourselves. Perhaps you are enjoying this time to slow down and look within. To come into the cocoon. Or it may be bringing up resistance or fear? Just notice whatever it is that you are feeling, you are in this moment.
To prepare in the days leading up to the New Moon:
We as humans often don’t know how powerful we are when we align with the moon.
All you need to do in the days leading up to Womb Time (New Moon) in Pisces 10.21am Saturday 13th March 2021 is to be be OPEN.
Open to release and to receive.
The sun is also in Pisces and on the New Moon they will be in ecliptic longitude and La Luna will disappear from sight. This New Moon is especially potent as the sun will be sharing with her his journey through the last constellation in our solar system -Pisces. The place of loss, release and connection to the whole of the universe. He will be talking to his wife, the moon and asking her to let go of this last year before we enter the Spring.
Reflect on what you would like to disrobe yourself of and gift to Mother Earth who will compost all of your heavy energy, anything that no longer serves you.
Listen to the following meditation to aid you as you surrender into this New Moon.
Actions (or the power of non-action, shall we say) as we draw down into the Moon’s Womb:
Open yourself to release and healing
Open yourself to receive any gifts from nature that you may wish to have with you during our New Moon Ritual this weekend.
This pink infused shell will be part of my ritual, thank you for the gifts dear moon waters. With moon in Pisces it would be lovely to visit a body of water in these days leading up to hers and your retreat.
The waters also fall upon us in rain and wash flowers, stones, seeds anything you find called to...
Please do share what gifts you receive on our Facebook group Journeying with the Moon x