Ritual Preparation


Gathering moon thoughts…

The moon is struggling to keep her eyes open as she descends into her deep slumber. In these last days before womb time, let us gently gather some moon gifts in preparation for our ritual.


Our New Moon is in the watery realms of Pisces, the last lunation of Winter. And with endings so come fresh new moon beginnings. The moon is falling to sleep in the dream world of Neptune the ruler of Pisces. A time for memories and dreams and creative imagination.

This realm calls for creativity and expressing your inner joy through art, writing, dance, music and poetry. Please do share your expressions to our Journeying with the Moon group, we would love to see them xx

In the hours leading up to the New Moon - you may wish to run yourself a bath with essential oils or salts or petals and/or crystals. Or if you prefer a shower have some extra special body wash or music in the shower over the next few days. The intention is to feel how the moon feels, as she bathes in Pisces waters and to self-care and love your body. At the end wash away and allow the water to drain what no longer serves you.

Ritual Ingredients:

These are just some suggestions and please do not feel you have to buy anything or make any rushed efforts. This time is for relaxed effort. Opening your awareness to anything that may come in. The element of our New Moon is WATER…

(If nothing else, have a candle and if you are gifted something by nature, bring that to your ritual too and do not worry about the rest… x)

This is going to be a very simple ritual to begin our group. Sometimes the simplest of things are the best…

  • a candle and/or smudge/incense

  • an offering from nature (shell, stone, crystal, petals, seeds etc)


    an apple to cut the seeds out


    3 fresh bay leaves or 3 rose leaves (3 leaves are needed per intention/wish up to a total of 3 wishes = 9 leaves)

  • a dish to lay the offering/seeds/leaves in

  • water: collect some rain water, sacred water or filtered water in a bowl

  • a feather


    a playlist with sounds of water, sea life or a dreamy feel

  • a journal or pen and paper to write your thoughts and intentions into

The above ingredients cover the 4 elements, WATER, FIRE, AIR and EARTH x

My New Moon in Pisces Altar

My New Moon in Pisces Altar


The Tree of the moment…

Is the Ash Tree (Nuin)

Time: 18 Feb - 17 Mar

Ash has long finger-like leaves and its buds look like black fingernails. Its seeds are known as keys.

In Wales and Ireland all oars are made of ash to protect against drowning.

Concept: shifting

Ash is Gwydion’s tree and he is the master enchanter of all Britain. He is also the master shapeshifter. This is a time of shapeshifting as we move out of Winter and into the Spring. The Ash is a tree that carries the essence of power - the life spark. It is the tree of rebirth and healing.

We all shapeshift, everyday, when we take off a suit from work and put on dungarees or jeans to play in. Or when we make conversation with another person and shapeshift into an appropriate role such as mother, daughter, employee, boss, partner. It may be as simple as that or more complex such as taking on the form of an animal or plant or rock. Twining one’s spirit with another being. As we shall be doing with La Luna herself.

Transmutation is actually transmuting our essence into a whole new being. The change a caterpillar makes to become a butterfly. I shall send you a guided journey to do this if you would like to… x

Gwydion and Nuin are our masters in the skill of shifting.

[Look up the stories of the shapeshifting Gwydion in folklore to understand him better] :-)