The Hero(ine)’s Journey
An Overview
The Heroine’s Journey…
We explore the journey of the Hero(ine) through the 22 archetypes of the Tarot Major Arcana.
The characters and milestones that (s)he encounters. How you can relate the Heroine’s Journey to your own life and purpose and heal.
We are given meaningful signposts into spreads that we pull for ourselves and others. The Tarot is laid out in archetypal images and characters who help to reflect our own journey through life. This journey and its wisdom has been handed down through the centuries from wisdom-keeper to wisdom-keeper.
Our aim is to internalise and embody this knowledge in order to understand the experiences, crises into which life leads us as well as our joys and happiness. And to pass the knowledge forward…
The journey of the Hero(ine) is the oldest story in the world. It is woven into myths and fairytales and legends that hold up even our modern society as it is. A direct knowledge of the soul is expressed through these stories which can be confirmed by the fact that they have arisen in the same forms across continents and cultures and languages. It is not a story that has been devised or invented or thought up. It is a story inherent in all of us and the human condition that we belong to.
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