A YIN state is the balance to YANG. In order to rest, digest, process and release we need to be in a YIN parasympathetic state (rest and digest) and switch over from a YANG sympathetic nervous system state (fight or flight). But for many of us in modern day environments where there is no “switch off”, where we are constantly in overwhelm of white light, information, noise, EMFs and environmental toxins. It can be VERY difficult to achieve a YIN state. The state that is essential for the body to heal itself. 

Drinking more water increases yin energy in the body, making it light and airy. Regularly flushing out the kidneys and bladder with water ensures that dead cells and other waste products can be expelled before they reach toxic levels. Water helps to carry away waste products.


If you find you constantly need to wee when you start to increase your fluid intake, this should level out or make sure you have enough good quality salt (himalayan pink salt) in your diet to stabilise the water intake.

Spread fluids over the day. I typically wake up and drink a whole cup of water just to re-hydrate after sleep. You may notice your wee is yellow in the morning but it should dilute to appear clear through the day as you hydrate. Next, I pour myself a large glass of water and add a dissolving magnesium tablet (orange flavour) to have something sweet to sip on during the day. Magnesium helps to calm my nervous system. The brand I use is Higher Nature.

1/2 - 1 pint of room temperature water first thing in the morning, or warm water with 1/4 to 1/2 a lemon squeezed into it.

I make sure to drink another cup of water by lunch time and in and around this I have about 4/5 cups of herbal tea. When I throw this all into my measuring jug I have the correct amount for hydration according to my body weight. It would be interesting to measure out how much you currently drink to see whether you are hydrated.

Try to get your levels of water balanced by early afternoon and don’t drink too much in the evening or you will be up all night going to the loo.

Lastly, the quality of water is important. I am no expert on the various filtering systems. I do use a Brita water filter but there is much more you can do to purify the water you drink. A useful tip I was given is that if you are not changing the filter regularly it is worse than drinking water without a filter…