Watch through the videos below before watching the last video which is your module teaching session.
Jot down your observations and after put an analysis of what you think these dogs are feeling individually and what is causing the behaviours.
All the weaponry on show
Some Stress Signals:
licking nose
air licking
whale eye
eyes moving side to side
head and eyes moving to side
picking up feet slowly
raising leg
tucking tail
tense tail
tense mouth
shaking of the body
A comparison of GSDs at a play date
Spot the differences
Watch this through with my guidance below and take notes
How can you tell which is play and which is a more serious fight?
Watch the below and jot down observations:
Can you tell what the reason for the body language is in the first half of the video which becomes apparent in the second half…
Can you tell the story.
Continue watching the videos below
noting your observations before making analysis
Spot the difference
Continue to make your observations below
What would you observe about the relationship between these two?
What level of intensity are these interactions?