Dog Friendly Business Listing
Example Banner Ad below…
We would love to offer you, a dog friendly business a listing on our Dog Friendly Directory resource.
We have over 10,000 visitors to our website per month.
This directory is advertised within the social media group Dog Friendly Dorset and Hampshire on Facebook with over 28,700 members as well on instagram and our email list of over 5,000 members. Dog Friendly Dorset group choose to fundraise for our group.
We are a vibrant and interactive community of dog owners in Dorset and Hampshire that is continually growing.
As a not-for-profit, your monthly subscription would go towards our Pet Food Banks and the running of the community.
£5/mo (plus payment processing fee) subscription for a banner advert hyperlinked to your website
Promotional post of your business on our socials when you sign up.
See example of a banner ad below…
What is included in a banner advert £5/mo (most popular listing)
2 images
Business Name and Address
Paragraph of text
Website link
Any of your discounts on offer
Promotional post of your business on our socials when you sign up
£2/mo (plus payment processing fee) subscription for a simple written listing of your business name with a hyperlink to your website and address. Promotional post of your business on our socials when you sign up.